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Tips for Purchasing the Right Shoes
You spend a lot of time in your shoes. That's why it’s important to purchase ones that provide for ample support and circulation. Here are a few tips on how to buy the right shoes to reduce the likeness of foot problems from occurring.
- Examine old shoes. Notice the wear pattern and whether the uppers lean to one side. A close look can show you where you may need extra support from future shoes.
- Put the opposite shoe upside-down against your foot and see if the area of the shoe has enough room for your foot.
- Find a service oriented store with people who know how to properly fit shoes. Many independently owned retailers stock comfort shoes in a wide variety of sizes and widths, and routinely special order for hard-to-fit customers.
- Shop in the afternoon. Your feet can swell up to a full size by then.
- Look for quality and value. Your feet will thank you.
- Have BOTH your feet measured for length and width every time you shop. Don't insist on what has always been your size. The shape of your feet changes over time, and actual sizes of shoes can vary among manufacturers.
- Fit shoes to the larger foot. No two feet are exactly the same size.
- Place your foot on top of the possible new shoes and see if there appears to be enough room for your foot in the shoe area. There should be half an inch between the longest toe and the end of each toe box.
- Try on both shoes. Take your time, as much a 5-10 minutes, walking around the store, off the carpeted area if possible. The arch raise should be right under the arch. There should be plenty of room for your toes to spread out; and the heel should not slip.
- Do not buy them if they're not comfortable. Most shoes do not "stretch" or "break in." There should no points of pain or rubbing.
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